JamStack is a modern web development approach that offers several benefits over traditional platforms like WordPress. JamStack sites are faster, more secure, and easier to deploy, making them a great choice for businesses looking to improve their online presence. The separation of concerns allows for producing a more flexible and scalable solution.
JamStack sites are generally faster and more performant than WordPress sites because they are statically generated. This can result in faster page load times and a better user experience.
We use well-secured edge-functions and CDN. It makes backend environment resilient and stable.
Our CI/CD process is exteremely fast. 3 minutes to production. Staging environments are included
With JamStack, the frontend and backend are decoupled. It allows to choose the best tools and techniqies for each part of website!
JamStack sites can be cheaper to host than WordPress sites because they don't require a server and can be hosted on a CDN and serverless lambdas, which is generally less expensive than traditional web hosting.
JamStack websites are generally more performant than WordPress websites because they are statically generated, meaning that all HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are generated at build time rather than dynamically generated on each request. This can result in faster page load times and a better user experience.
There are several reasons why JamStack-driven websites lead to better performance:
Fewer Server Requests: With static site generation, all the content is pre-generated and served to the user as a static file or ready to be generated on-demand if the content is dynamic. This means that the server does not have to dynamically generate the content on each request, which reduces the load on the server and speeds up the response time.
Caching: Static files can be cached by the browser and by intermediate caching layers, such as CDNs, meaning that the content is served to the user faster.
No runtime Server-Side Rendering: Server-side rendering, where the server dynamically generates the HTML for a page on each request, can be resource-intensive and slow down the response time. With incremental static site generation, the HTML is generated at build time and in the background on horizontally scalable lambda functions, so the
The server does not have to do any rendering on each request.
JamStack websites are generally more secure than WordPress websites because they are statically generated, meaning that there is no server-side code that can be exploited by attackers. This makes JamStack websites more resistant to common security threats like SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and server-side code execution.
Several other factors contribute to the improved security of JamStack websites:
Fewer Moving Parts: WordPress sites often have many plugins and custom themes, which can add complexity and increase the attack surface. We use a separation of concerns pattern to achieve the best performance and security.
No Server Management: There is no need to manage a server or worry about server-side vulnerabilities. Everything is covered by AWS and Vercel with their serverless computation and edge functions. This can reduce the attack surface and make maintaining the site's security easier.
Improved Deployment Workflow: The deployment workflow for JamStack sites is generally more streamlined and secure than WordPress sites. This can make deploying updates and patches that improve the site's security easier. At Gorazdo, we use a branching strategy and develop new features in isolated staging environments.
It's worth noting that no platform is completely immune to security threats, and it's important to follow best practices and keep your site up to date to protect against potential vulnerabilities.
There are several reasons why we at Gorazdo save time and your money on development:
Separation of Concerns: With JamStack, the front and backend are decoupled, which means we can integrate any 3rd-party services and databases, allowing us to gradually migrate from one to another if necessary.
Simplicity: JamStack websites are generally simpler in technologies than WordPress websites because they are statically generated and do not have a sophisticated server environment. This can make it easier to understand how the site's architecture works and make changes.
Flexibility: With JamStack, we are not limited to a specific set of tools or technologies. This gives us incredible flexibility in technologies, services, and 3rd-party intergations.
Serverless computation, also known as function-as-a-service (FaaS), can be cheaper than traditional WordPress hosting for several reasons:
Pay-per-use Pricing: With serverless computing, you are only charged for the resources you use. This means you are not paying for idle resources or resources not being fully utilized. This can result in significant cost savings, especially if your site has variable traffic or usage patterns.
No Server Management: With serverless computing, you do not need to worry about managing servers or maintaining a server infrastructure. This can save you time and money, as you do not need to hire staff or pay for server maintenance.
Scaling: Serverless computing can automatically scale to meet demand, which means that you do not need to over-provision resources to handle peak traffic. This can result in lower costs, as you only pay for the resources you use.
Reduced Overhead: Serverless computing can reduce the overhead of running and maintaining server infrastructure, resulting in lower costs.
Posted on Monday, January 9, 2023
Updated 2 years ago