
Welcome to our secret orbit of Data Management System.

Customer Development
Graphic Design
3D Design
Design Visionary
Strategic Planning
Digital Media
Web App
Support & Maintenance
Headless CMS
Social Media
Business Website
Mobile App
API Integration
Open Source
2D Illustrations
User Interface
Creative Strategy
Product Strategy
Product Design
Interaction Design
User Experience
Customer Development

In our projects, we prioritize Customer Experience and focus on creating consistent interactions across all touchpoints to build customer loyalty and satisfaction. It can involve designing and improving processes, systems, and products to make them more user-friendly and efficient.

Graphic Design

Gorazdo helps brands improve the visual aspect of their business and communicate effectively with their target audience through Graphic Design, which leads to increased sales and credibility on the market.


At Gorazdo, we have experience in B2B, SaaS, and Blockchain startups using modern technologies. Our team creates actionable apps ready for commercial use, thought-through user interaction, and a clean design.

3D Design

Brands in almost every industry find 3D Design to be a highly effective way to communicate the complexities and intricacies of their products. With modern 3D visualization, we provide a bridge between physical and online by offering digital representations of products, increasing engagement, and enhancing user experience.


Print design is a crucial aspect of visual communication that can be applied to various materials such as brochures, posters, business cards, and more. We utilize our proficiency in Print design to create a strong brand identity, convey information, and persuade audiences to take a specific action.


Businesses of all sizes, from small to large, are utilizing CRM to enhance customer interactions, maintain and attract customers, and uncover valuable customer-centered insights that drive positive organizational changes.


With the shift to remote work, businesses have had to find ways to collaborate and access data remotely. Cloud-based services have proven to be an effective solution, as they allow access to data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection, yet have built-in security measures to protect a business's sensitive information.


Startups and established brands are investing in iOS App Development to adopt industry best practices to develop high-performance and secured apps. They help increase the productivity and efficiency of business processes, along with other benefits such as

  1. Better App Revenue

  2. Security of Enterprise Data

  3. High-Quality Standards

  4. High Market Penetration

  5. Less Development Time


In the world of Mobile App Development, an Android app provides you with the key to occupying a significant part of the mobile market, which is growing daily. It will give your business a range of advantages, such as

  1. Vast Pool of Customers

  2. Easier Installation

  3. Easier Entry to Market

  4. Compatible with More Devices

  5. Lower Development Cost (OS Perspective)

Design Visionary

Developing visions, discovering, and creating unique products with new designs and features – reliable, engaging, functional, with brand protection – is what Gorazdo does with Visionary Design.

Strategic Planning

Gorazdo studio helps businesses identify key opportunities and challenges and develop a Strategic Plan that leverages design to achieve its goals. This plan may include recommendations for branding, marketing, product design, user experience, and other areas where design can add value. We will also help implement the plan, ensuring that all elements are incorporated to support the overall strategy.

Digital Media

Digital Media as a Gorazdo studio service involves creating digital content and experiences for clients, including web design and development, graphic design, animation, video production, and social media management. Our ultimate goal is to help clients effectively communicate the message and reach the target audience through digital channels.


An Illustration is an element used in many areas of design, from identity to mobile apps and websites. We use our expertise to make illustrations compelling and insightful to reflect a unique vision of your product.

Web App

Gorazdo provides unique Web Apps tailored to your business needs, fast and economically viable. We focus on helping you grow the brand and attract your audience to a secure online space.

Support & Maintenance

At Gorazdo we always use the most reliable, popular, enterprise-grade tools, frameworks, and libraries to meet high standards and expectations. It makes the Support & Maintenance process straightforward and highly welcomed by your internal or outsourced engineers and developers with a smooth and low learning curve.

Headless CMS

At Gorazdo, we utilize headless CMS (Content Management System) that separates the backend system for managing and storing content from the frontend system for displaying that content. It benefits businesses that want to manage and display their content across multiple channels and platforms.

Social Media

We provide you with a complete ready-to-use kit for promoting your business in the world of Social Media, which helps to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

Business Website

Gorazdo Studio has the skills and expertise to create a unique website tailored to your business's specific needs and goals. We guarantee to deliver a professional, effective, and up-to-date Business Website, which will ultimately increase your online visibility and drive business growth.

Mobile App

A well-designed Mobile App can be a powerful marketing tool, helping increase brand visibility and awareness among consumers. Our designers, developers, and project managers work closely to understand the client's needs and goals for the Mobile App and then create design elements for the final product to hit the target.


At Gorazdo, we offer E-commerce as a service to help businesses establish an online presence and effectively sell their products or services. It includes designing the website, creating product listings, setting up payment options, and more.


Gorazdo team designs Dashboards to help your business organize information, making it easy to understand and interpret the data quickly as it displays in a condensed format. Dashboards also allow real-time updates and interactive features, such as filtering and drilling down into specific data sets, and can be customized to display only the most relevant information for a particular user or group, improving efficiency and decision-making.


As B2B, our studio provides a wide range of services, including branding, graphic design, web design, user interface (UI), user experience (UX) design, and more. We work closely with every client to understand specific needs and goals and create strategies to help achieve business objectives.


We apply Contentful as a headless content management system (CMS) during the development stage. It provides a flexible and API-driven approach to content management, enabling our developers to integrate content easily into applications and websites.


Management service at Gorazdo refers to the practice of using design thinking and design methods to approach and solve management and organizational issues with a holistic view, considering all aspects of problems, which leads to more comprehensive and practical solutions.


We have a team of experts with a wide range of skills and experience in creating effective Marketing materials, bringing a fresh perspective and new ideas for increasing efficiency and scalability for your business.


An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a version of a product that has the minimum set of features required to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development. At Gorazdo, we design MVPs to test the viability of the product idea and its potential for growth and profitability.


We use the Data-driven approach widely in our work, which helps to improve the user experience, increase conversion rates, and make the website or application more effective in achieving its goals. Based on data analysis, this approach allows more informed and objective decision-making and leads to more efficient and effective processes and outcomes.


The Back-End of a website or application is crucial for its overall functionality and performance. Our Back-End team is responsible for handling the underlying logic and data management, optimizing the performance and scalability to ensure it can operate with many users, and maintaining the integrity of the data.


At Gorazdo, we use the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) as a web development architecture. It generates the markup dynamically, with the help of APIs, which increases development speed as the pre-built assets can be developed independently from the backend logic.


We use React, a JavaScript library, to build user interfaces in our projects. It gives the advantages of building and reusing UI components, making it easier to develop and maintain large applications efficiently.


In our projects we use TypeScript, which is a superset of Javascript with enterprize-level DX and reliability. It helps to build reliable, maintainable and well-documented applications and websites.


During the development stage, we use JavaScript as a programming language for front-end and back-end development. As a versatile language for building full-stack web applications and websites, it allows them to run quickly on the client side, resulting in a more responsive and dynamic user experience.

API Integration

In our projects, we use API (Application Programming Interface) Integration to connect two or more software systems through APIs to facilitate data exchange and functionality. It provides access and share data between systems, making it possible to create new applications and services and improve the efficiency and accuracy of existing ones.


Our Front-End team is responsible for translating the design and functionality of a website or an app into code, making it more visually appealing and user-friendly. It optimizes performance and increases accessibility to a wide range of users.

Open Source

Gorazdo prefers Open Source software where the source code is available for everyone to use, modify and distribute. It gives the freedom to modify and customize the software to meet the project's specific needs, providing flexibility, accessibility, and profitability.

2D Illustrations

Gorazdo team creates 2D Illustrations to enhance the user experience and convey information visually appealingly. It helps increase engagement and reinforces the branding and messaging of a business or organization.


Animation can be a powerful way to capture audiences' attention and make complex information more accessible. We use it thoughtfully and strike a balance between animation and other design elements to create a cohesive and effective final product.


Our team creates robust Branding campaigns - powerful assets that provide long-term value to a business by establishing a reputation for quality and reliability, creating a sense of trust, loyalty, and added value for customers.

User Interface

Our main goal of User Interface design is to create an intuitive and efficient experience for the user, which allows them to easily access and use the features and functions of the software. The interface's layout, organization, and overall appearance are carefully crafted to be consistent and logical, making it easy for the user to understand and navigate.

Creative Strategy

During the Creative Strategy process, we outline the goals, objectives, and targets for a project or campaign and trace a clear path for achieving them, keeping it flexible, adaptable, and responsive to change as design trends, technology, and consumer behavior are constantly evolving.

Product Strategy

The Product Strategy we offer considers how the website will be promoted and marketed to potential customers through search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other online channels that align with the company's overall business goals and objectives. It involves defining the target market, identifying the unique value proposition, and determining the go-to-market plan.


Prototyping is a critical step to improve a product's quality and effectiveness and contribute to a solid online presence. By creating and testing prototypes, we can identify and address any issues or problems with the design before the final product is developed, saving time and resources and improving the final product's overall quality.


By conducting Research, we gain insights into the needs and behaviors of target audiences to inform the design of a website or application in a more appealing and user-friendly way. It helps create products and services that are more relevant, practical, and desirable.

Product Design

By considering the needs and goals of the target audience during the Product Design process, our team creates products that are more likely to meet customers' needs, attract attention, generate positive online reviews, and lead to increased sales, which all contribute to further visibility.

Interaction Design

Implementing Interaction Design approaches, our team focuses on creating intuitive and seamless experiences for users by considering how they will interact with the product and designing its functionality and behavior accordingly. They help improve the product's effectiveness and accessibility and increase its visibility.

User Experience

Working on User Experience, we focus on a look, feel, and functionality to create a seamless and intuitive experience for the user. It influences how users interact with a website, and a positive user experience can help improve the overall usability and accessibility of a website.


Both UX and UI are essential for creating compelling and enjoyable user products. We make intelligent, properly planned choices on both sides of the design to be sure that, on the one hand, the product is easy to use, efficient, and enjoyable to interact with, and on the other one - intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to navigate


We introduce technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which adds meta data to website including

  1. Semantic HTML markup

  2. OpenGraph

  3. Meta tags

  4. JSON-LD